Middle English: Essays & Articles

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John Gower
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
- Book: Dodd's Courtly Love in Chaucer and Gower, 1913 - Google Books
Kingship in John Gower's Confessio Amantis - Kenneth B. Grant
Penitentials to Poetry: The Literary Critique of Avarice in
Fourteenth-Century England - Jessica D. Ward
"In Propria Persona":
Artifice, Politics, and Propriety in Gower's Confessio Amantis - Matthew Irvin
Alchemy and Exemplary Narrative in Middle English Poetry - Curtis Thomas Runstedler
Chaucer, Gower, and the Invention of History - Steele Nowlin
Poetics of the Past, Politics of the Present: Chaucer, Gower, and Old Books - Malte Urban
Ethics, Rhetorical Accommodation, and Vernacularity
in Gower's Confessio Amantis - T. Matthew N. McCabe
The Conflict of Courtly Love and Christian Morality in Confessio Amantis - Walter S. Phelan
The Personages in the Major Narrative Works of John Gower - Samuel T. Cowling
Animal Speech and Political Utterance: Articulating the Controversies
of Late Fourteenth-Century England in Non-Human Voices - Sharon Fulton
Noisy Isles: Sounds and Otherness in Medieval and Early Modern English Literature - R. Sophonpanich
Reframing the Metamorphoses: The Enabling of Political Allegory
in Late Medieval Ovidian Narrative [Chaucer, Gower, Lydgate] - Amanda J. Gerber
The Conflict of Courtly Love and Christian Morality in Gower's Confessio Amantis - Walter S. Phelan
Maintaining Injustice: Literary Representations of The Legal System C1400 - Kathleen E. Kennedy
Satire of Counsel, Counsel of Satire: Representing Advisory Relations
in Later Medieval Literature - Jonathan M. Newman
Love Imagery in Benoit de Sainte-Maure's Roman de Troie, John Gower's Confessio Amantis,
and Geoffrey Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde - Tamara F. O'Callaghan
Producing the Middle English Corpus: Confession and Medieval Bodies - Cathryn M. Meyer
The Meaning of Caritas in
John Gower's Confessio Amantis - Genevieve McMackin Cubie
The Overheard Song: Medieval Lyric in the Mixed Genre - Ricardo Matthews
Objects and Anxiety in Late Medieval English Writing - Gabrielle Parkin
Producing the Middle English Corpus: Confession and Medieval Bodies - Cathryn Marie Meyer
The Mise-en-page of Chaucer, Gower, and Hoccleve Manuscripts - Aditi Nafde
The Subject of Madness: Insanity, Individuals and Society
in Late-Medieval English Literature [Chaucer, Gower, Hoccleve] - Stephen Harper
Madness and Gender in Late-Medieval English Literature [Malory, Gower, Kempe, Hoccleve] - Laura Jose
'As Meeke as Medea, as honest as Hellen': English Literary Representations
of Two Troublesome Classical Women, c.1160-1650 - Katherine Heavey
A Study of the Sources of the Confessio amantis of John Gower - H. C. Mainzer
'Al was of armes and of love': Sexual/Textual Violence in Gower's Confessio Amantis - Cheryl Carter
Sex, Violence, and the Law in Gower's Confessio Amantis - David Deutsch
Gower's 'Middel Weie': The Poetic Breadth of the Confessio Amantis - Timothy O'Neill
The Problem of Genius's Intent in Gower's Confessio Amantis - Dallas Simpson
A Devil of a Coincidence: Study on Milton and Gower - Derek Whisman
Confessio Amantis or Confessio Principis: Gower's Confessio Amantis as a Mirror for
Princes - M. Zampiva
- John Gower: Political Theory - Stephen H. Rigby
- John Gower and John Lydgate: Forms and Norms of Rhetorical Culture - J. Allan Mitchell
- Gower for Example: Confessio Amantis and the Ethics of Exemplarity - J. Allan Mitchell
- Controlling the Uncontrollable: Love and Fortune in Book I of the Confessio Amantis - Misty Schieberle
- Cracks and Fissures: Gower's Poetics on the Edge - Malte Urban
- Covetousness in Book 5 of Confessio Amantis: A Medieval Precursor to Neoliberalism - Jeffery G. Stoyanoff
- Reflection, Interrupted: Material Mirror Work in the Confessio Amantis - Jenny Boyar
- Sins of Omission: Transgressive Genders, Subversive Sexualities, and Confessional Silences
in John Gower's Confessio Amantis - Diane Watt
- Amoral Gower. Language, Sex, and Politics - Diane Watt
- Literary Genealogy, Virile Rhetoric, and Gower's Confessio Amantis - Diane Watt
- On the Edge: Chaucer and Gower's Queer Glosses - Roberta Magnani and Diane Watt
- Speaking of Sodomy: Gower's Advice to Princes in the Confessio Amantis - Michael Hanrahan
- Godfrey of Viterbo's Pantheon and Gower's Confessio Amantis: The Story of Apollonius Retold - Thari L. Zweers
- Gower as Gerontion; Oneiric Autobiography in the Confessio Amantis - Robert Levine
- Literary Waste and Recycling in Book 4 of Gower's Confessio Amantis - James Simpson
- Gower and the Epic Past - Winthrop Wetherbee
- Gower and the Peasants' Revolt - Ian Cornelius
- Medicine, Passion, and Sin in Gower - Virginia Langum
- Masculinity in John Gower - Christopher Fletcher
- Lydgate's Literary History: Chaucer, Gower, and Canacee - Maura Nolan
- History Lessons from the End of Time: Gower and the English Rising of 1381 - Lynn Arner
- Gower in his Most Learned Role and the Peasants' Revolt of 1381 - Andrew Galloway
- A Southwark Tale: Gower, the 1381 Poll Tax, and Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales - Sebastian Sobecki
- Educating Richard: Incest, Marriage, and (Political) Consent in Gower's "Tale of Apollonius" - Sebastian Sobecki
- The Trentham Manuscript, "In Praise of Peace", and Gower's Autograph Hand - Sebastian Sobecki
- 'And to the herte she hireselven smot': The Loveris Maladye and the Legitimate Suicides
of Chaucer's and Gower's Exemplary Lovers - Sebastian Sobecki
- Literature of 1388 and the Politics of Pity in Gower's Confessio Amantis - Andrew Galloway
- Reassessing Gower's Dream-Visions - Andrew Galloway
- Gower's Confessio Amantis, the Prick of Conscience, and the History
of the Latin Gloss in Early English Literature - Andrew Galloway
- Gower's Quarrel with Chaucer, and the Origins of Bourgeois Didacticism
in Fourteenth-Century London Poetry - Andrew Galloway
- 'Noght withoute peine': Chastity, Complaint, and Lucrece's Vox Clamantis - Matthew Irvin
- Genius and Sensual Reading in the Vox Clamantis - Matthew Irvin
- Braying Peasants and the Poet as Prophet: Gower and the People in the Vox Clamantis - Sarah Novak
- Late-Fourteenth-Century London as the New Troy - Sylvia Federico
- Blindness, Confession, and Re-membering in Gower's Confessio - Tory Vandeventer Pearman
- "Foryet it thou, and so wol I": Absolving Memory in Confessio Amantis - Paul D. Stegner
- "For it Acordeth Noght to Kinde": Remediating Gower's Confessio Amantis in Machinima - Sarah Higley
- Rhetorical Gower: Aristotelianism in the Confessio Amantis's Treatment of 'Rethorique' - Georgiana Donavin
- The Poetics of Catastrophe: Ovidian Allusion in Gower's Vox Clamantis - Maura Nolan
- Agency and the Poetics of Sensation in Gower's Mirour de l'Omme - Maura Nolan
- Reading Narratives of Rape: The Story of Lucretia in Chaucer, Gower and Christine de Pizan - Louise Sylvester
- Metamorphosis and Metamorphic Identity: The Myth of Actaeon in Works
of Ovid, Dante, and John Gower - Greta Hawes
- John Gower's Moral Adaptation of Ovid's "Tale of Actaeon" - Malek J. Zuraikat and Faisal I. Rawashdeh
- Transmuting Gower: Elias Ashmole's Hermetic Reading of Gower's Jason and the Golden Fleece - C. Runstedler
- Unconfessing Gender: Transgender and the Medicalization of Sin in Gower's Iphis and Ianthe - M. W. Bychowski
- The Disorder of Operations: Illuminators, Scribes, and Gower's Confessio Amantis - Sonja Drimmer
- Reading Gower in a Manuscript Culture: Latin and English in Illustrated Manuscripts
of the Confessio Amantis - Richard K. Emmerson
- The Mythological Science of John Gower, Medieval Classicists, and Morgan MS M. 126 - Amanda Gerber
- Takamiya MS 98: An Excised Fragment of the Stafford Gower - Jared Brunner
- Global Gower: The Archer Aiming at the World - Joyce Coleman
- "Watte vocat": Human and Animal Naming in Gower's Visio Anglie - Ben Parsons
- Chamberlain Danger: The Social Meaning of Love Allegory in the Confessio Amantis - Elliot Kendall
- Articulating the Author: Gower and the French Vernacular Codex - Ardis Butterfield
- Time Past and Time Present in Chaucer's Clerk's Tale and Gower's Confessio Amantis - James Dean
- Readers as Authors: Reproducing Authority in the
Iberian Translations
of John Gower's Confessio Amantis - Juan David Sierra
- The Margins in the Iberian Manuscripts of Gower's Confessio Amantis - Tamara Pérez-Fernández
- Del amor y otras enfermedades del alma en la Confessio Amantis - Daniel N. Cáceres & Rosario M. Soldevila
- Gower's Transformation of the Tale of Constance from Nicholas Trevet's
Of the Noble Lady Constance - Prof. Peter G. Beidler & students
Chaucer, Gower, and What Medieval Women Want - Peter Chiykowski
William Langland: Piers Plowman
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
Conceptions of Piers Plowman: 1550's through 1970's - John R. McCully, Jr.
Maintaining Injustice: Literary Representations of The Legal System C1400 - Kathleen E. Kennedy
The Virtuous Pagan in Middle English Literature - Cindy L. Vitto
The Early Reception of Piers Plowman - Marie-Claire Uhart
Emotional Ethics in Middle English Literature - Paul Megna
Penitentials to Poetry: The Literary Critique of Avarice in
Fourteenth-Century England - Jessica D. Ward
The Voice of Honest Indignation: A Study of Reformist Apocalypticism
in Relation to Piers Plowman - Kathryn Kerby-Fulton
Noisy Isles: Sounds and Otherness in Medieval and Early Modern English Literature - R. Sophonpanich
Necessary Fictions: Reading and Visionary Literature in Pearl, Piers Plowman,
A Revelation of Divine Love, and The Book of Margery Kempe - Hannah Marie Byland
Piers Plowman, Legal Authority and the Law of Subject Status - Victoria K. H. Thomas
"Of beggeris and of bidderis": The Problem of Poverty in Piers Plowman - Dina Bevin Hess
La vision du monde dans la poésie
allitérative anglaise du quatorzième siècle - Aude Mairey
Waymarks in the Mind: Finding the Kingdom in Langland's Vulgate Quotations and Bible Contexts - Gail L. Blick
The Ecology of Reform: Land and Labor from Piers Plowman to Edmund Spenser - William Rhodes
Ascetic Ideology and the Satiric Mode in Piers Plowman - Martin Harrison
Families, Fictions, and Seeing Through Things: Re-reading Langland, Chaucer, and the Pearl-Poet [Chaucer, Langland, Pearl Poet] - Noëlle Phillips
Producing Piers Plowman
to 1475: Author, Scribe, and Reader - Michael Madrinkian
Temporal Structures in Piers Plowman - Bernice D. Leavitt
The Quest Theme in Representative English Works of the Thirteenth
and Fourteenth Centuries - Peter Stewart Taitt
The Tradition of the Harrowing of Hell in Piers Plowman - Michael E. Ralston
Piers Plowman: The Organological Metaphor - Michael Wheatley Sutton
The Production of Space in Piers Plowman - Emily Reed
- Book: The Myth of Piers Plowman - Lawrence Warner
- Religious Forms and Institutions in Piers Plowman - James Simpson
- Visions and Visionaries in Medieval Literature in English - Andrew Galloway
- Sabotaged Text or Textual Ploy?: The Christ-Knight Metaphor in Piers Plowman - James Weldon
- Medieval Poetry and the Figural View of Reality - Elizabeth Salter
- Langland and the Ideology of Dissent - Pamela Gradon
- The Early Reception of Chaucer and Langland - A.S.G. Edwards
- The Fortunes of Piers Plowman and its Readers - Maura Nolan
- The Bane of Flattery in the World of Chaucer and Langland - Douglas Wurtele
- Covetousness, 'unkyndenesse', and the 'blered' eye in Piers Plowman
and 'The Canon's Yeoman's Tale' - Alastair Bennett
- A Parliament Full of Rats? Piers Plowman and the Good Parliament of 1376 - Gwilym Dodd
- Hares, Rabbits, Pheasants: Piers Plowman and William Longewille, a Norfolk Rebel in 1381 - Sebastian Sobecki
- Intellectual Pregnancy, Metaphysical Femininity, and the Social Doctrine
of the Trinity in Piers Plowman - Andrew Galloway
- The Rhetoric of Riddling in Late-Medieval England: The "Oxford" Riddles, the Secretum philosophorum,
and the Riddles in Piers Plowman - Andrew Galloway
- Riddle Contests and the Banquet of Conscience in Piers Plowman - Curtis Gruenler
- Parallel Lives: William Rokele and the Satirical Literacies of Piers Plowman - Andrew Galloway
- Uncharacterizable Entities: The Poetics of Middle English Scribal Culture
and the Definitive "Piers Plowman" - Andrew Galloway
- Piers Plowman and the Subject of the Law - Andrew Galloway
- Intellectual Pregnancy, Metaphysical Femininity, and the Social Doctrine of the Trinity
in Piers Plowman - Andrew Galloway
- Piers Plowman's Somnaical Dissonance - Emily Rebekah Huber
- From Plowing to Penitence: Piers Plowman and Fourteenth-Century Theology - Denise N. Baker
- The Social Trinity of Piers Plowman - Alan J. Fletcher
- Jesus the Jouster: The Christ-Knight and Medieval Theories of Atonement in Piers Plowman
and the "Round Table" Sermons - Lawrence Warner
- Langland's Wrath: Righteous Anger Management in The Vision of Piers Plowman - Paul Megna
- Promising the Female, Delivering the Male: Transformations of Gender in Piers Plowman - Masha Raskolnikov
- Langland's Empty Verbs: Service, Kenosis, and Adventurous Christology in Piers Plowman - Jim Knowles
- Prophetic Piers Plowman: New Sixteenth-Century Excerpts - Eric Weiskott
- Piers Plowman and the Durable Alliterative Tradition - Eric Weiskott
- Shearing the Shepherds: Violence and Anticlerical Satire in Langland's Piers Plowman - Ben Parsons
- 'A Record of Treuthe': Redeeming Words in Langland's Piers Plowman - Naomi Geraghty
- Figural Allusions to Piers in Piers Plowman, Passus 13-16 - Minwoo Yoon
- Decorative Reading: Some Implications of Ordinatio in Piers Plowman - James Weldon
- That Dizzy Height of Wisdom: Augustinian Vision and Kynde's Mountain
- Hawkyn's Coat and Patience's Paternoster: Piers Plowman and Pastoral Theology - Nicholas Watson
in Piers Plowman B XI - Sebastian Sobecki
- Kinsman as 'Redeemer' in Piers Plowman, Passus 18 - Horace Jeffery Hodges[.pdf]
- Church Reformers' Ideas of Warfare and Peace in Fourteenth-Century England: Langland - D. Lee
- Figuring subjectivity in Piers Plowman C and 'The Parson's Tale' and 'Retraction' - D. F. Pigg
- Models of Winning in the B-text of Piers Plowman and Wynnere and Wastoure - Ruth R. Roberts
- Ordinatio and Genre in MS CCC 201: A Mediaeval Reading of the B-Text of Piers Plowman - James Weldon
- Legal and Spiritual Sanctuary in the 'Northern Homily Cycle' and 'Piers Plowman' B - J. H. Morey
- Langland's 'corlew': Another Look at Piers Plowman B XIV.43 - Alan Spearman
- Code-Switching in Langland, Chaucer, and the Gawain Poet; Diglossia and Footing - Ad Putter
- The Alliterative Meter of Piers Plowman - Marc Beckwith
- Dowel, Dobet, and Dobest in Middle English Literature - Rosanne Gasse
- Hiatus and Elision in the Poems of the Alliterative Revival: -ly and -liche - Noriko Inoue
- Piers Plowman: An Annotated Bibliography for 1900-1968 - Katherine Proppe
- Lolling and the Suspension of Salvation in Piers Plowman - Micah Goodrich
- "Why calle ye hym crist, siþen Iewes called hym Iesus?":
The Disavowal of Jewish Identification in Piers Plowman B Text - R. James Goldstein
- Meed, Mercede, and Mercy: Langland's Grammatical Metaphor and Its Relation
to Piers Plowman as a Whole - Martyn J. Miller
- Piers Plowman and the Sublime - Murray J. Evans
- Piers's Good Will: Langland's Politics of Reform and Inheritance in the C-Text - Michael D. C. Drout
- Pre-Empting Piers's Tearing of the Pardon: Langland's Revisions of the C Visio - Denise N. Baker
- Beating the Bounds Between Church and State: Official Documents in the Literary Imagination - Bryan P. Davis
- The Subject of Canon Law: Confessing Covetise in Piers Plowman B and C
and the Memoriale Presbiterorum - Arvind Thomas
- The Hermit in Lore: Langland's Piers Plowman - Robert Rodriguez
- Piers Plowman, Numerical Composition, and the Prophecies - Arthur Versluis
- Gematria in Piers Plowman (A Response to Arthur Versluis) - John P. Hermann
- Duality in Piers Plowman and the Anglo-Saxon Riddles (A Response to Arthur Versluis) - Gwendolyn Morgan
- The Clemency of Cobblers: A Reading of "Glutton's
Confession" in Piers Plowman - Nick Gray
- Will and the Penitents: Piers Plowman B X 420-
35 - Marie Collins
- Piers' Apples: Some Bernardine Echoes in Piers Plowman - Margaret E. Goldsmith
- Piers Plowman and Problems in the Perception of
Poverty: a Culture in Transition - David Aers
- Apocalyptic Style in Piers Plowman B XIX-XX - E. Talbot Donaldson
- The Guide Convention in Piers Plowman - Barbara Palmer
In Search: Pilgrimage in Piers Plowman - June Blanks
Preaching Beside the Gutters: The City and the Church in Piers Plowman and Mankind - Daiyaan Hutson
The Four Daughters of God in Langland's Piers Plowman - Lindsay Rogillio
Medieval Plays
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
- Book: The Summons of Death on the Medieval and Renaissance English Stage - Phoebe S. Spinrad
"For any spirringes in þat space": The Theatrical Game of the York Plays - Charles Costello
The Critical Heritage of the York Cycle - Kimberley M. Yates
Bearing Men: A Cultural History of Motherhood from the Cycle Plays to Shakespeare - G. O. Rozeboom
"All hayll, all hayll, both blithe and glad": Direct Address in Early English Drama - M. M. Butler
A Study of the Formation and Auspices of the Ludus Coventriae - Mary L. Tobin
Flesh and Spirit Onstage: Chronotopes of Performance in Medieval English Theatre - Gregory Lee Cavenaugh
Stages of Belief: The Nature of Audience Response in Medieval and Early Modern Drama - Rebecca Cepek
Transformed Within, Transformed Without: The Enactment of Religious Conversion
in Medieval and Early Modern European Saint Plays - Emily Ciavarella Kuntz
Grotesque Motifs in the Medieval Mystery Plays - Lawrence M. Clopper
The Influence of the "Book of Job" on the Middle English Morality Plays - Cameron Hunt-Logan
Marking the Boundaries: Explorations of Meaning and Identity in the York Corpus Christi Cycle - S. Christie
Encountering the Embodied Mouth of Hell: The Play of Oppositions
in Religious Vernacular Theater - R. Rossmeisl
- A History of "The Mysteries" - Emma Maggie Solberg
- The Towneley First Shepherds' Play: Its 'Grotesque' Feast Revisited - Ernst Gerhardt
- The York Bakers and Their Play of the Last Supper - Leanne Groeneveld
- Dramatic Networks: Marginalized Economics and Labour in The Norwich Grocers' Play - Jeffery G Stoyanoff
- Addressing the Audience of the Towneley Plays - María Teresa Sánchez Roura
- Oversight as Insight: Reading The Second Shepherd's Play - Michelle Ann Abate
- Mediation in the Towneley Second Shepherds' Play - Gaëlle Branford
- Sound, Style, and the Performance of the Literary in the Towneley Shepherds' Plays - Shannon Gayk
- The Towneley Processus Talentorum: A Survey and Interpretation - Arthur C. Cawley
- Late-Gothic Eve: Gender and Marriage in the Mystery Creation and Fall Plays - Thomas Flanigan
- Approaches to the Atonement in the Mystery Plays - Adam C. Wolfe
- Medieval Theatricality and Spectatorship - John J. McGavin[.pdf]
- Scarring Roles: Trauma and Temporality on the Medieval Stage - Ben Parsons
- Worshipping Corpus Christi: Mary Magdalene in the English Mystery Cycles - Joanna Kazik[.pdf]
- Metatheatre in the English Mystery Cycles: Expositor, Contemplatio, Prolocutor and Others - Peter Happé
- York Guilds and the Corpus Christi Plays: Unwilling Participants? - Clifford Davidson
- The York Cycle Then and Now - Alexandra F. Johnston
- The City of York and its 'Play of Pageants' - Peter Meredith
- Places to Hear the Play: Corpus Christi Play in York - Eileen White
- The Medieval Pagent Wagons at York: Their Orientation and Height - John McKinnell
- Raging in the Streets of Medieval York - Margaret Rogerson
- The York Corpus Christi Play: Some Practical Details - Margaret Rogerson
- Corpus Christi Plays and the Stations of the Cross: Medieval York and Modern Sydney - Margaret Rogerson
- The Pageant Wagon as Iconic Site in the York Cycle - Ralph Blasting
- High Places and Travelling Scenes: Some Observations on the Staging of the York Cycle - Martin W. Walsh
- Seeing and Hearing: Looking and Listening - Pamela M. King
- Verbal Texture and Wordplay in the York Cycle - Richard Beadle
- 'His langage is lorne': The Silent Centre of the York Cycle - Alexandra F. Johnston
- Procula's Civic Body and Pilate's Masculinity Crisis in the York Cycle's
"Christ Before Pilate 1: The Dream of Pilate's Wife" - Kimberly Fonzo
- An Acoustical Approach to the Study of the Wagons of the York Mystery Plays - Mariana Lopez
- Language and Regional Identity in the York Corpus Christi Cycle - M. L. Holford
- Biblical and Medieval Covenant in the York Old Testament Plays - Olga Horner
- Numerology in the York Adam and Eve in Eden - Natalie C. Schmitt
- Classical Invention in the York Trial Plays - Elza C. Tiner
- 'The Precious Body of Christ That They Tretyn in Ther Hondis': 'Miraclis Pleyinge'
and the Croxton Play of the Sacrament - Heather Hill-Vasquez
- The Significance of the Eucharist Scenes in the Croxton Play of the Sacrament - Ji-Soo Kang
- Hocus Pocus and the Croxton Play of the Sacrament - Cameron Hunt McNabb
- The Physician and his Servant in the Croxton Play of the Sacrament - Jillian Linster
- Economies of Salvation: Commerce and the Eucharist in The Profanation of the Host
and the Croxton Play of the Sacrament - Alexandra Reid-Schwartz
- The Croxton Play of the Sacrament: Paradox and Scandal Made Spectacle - André Lascombes
- 'Caplimet' in Seinte Margarete and 'Eraclea' in the Croxton
Play of the Sacrament - Andrew Breeze
- The Chester Play of Noah and the Presentation of Reality - Peter Meredith
- Mrs. Noah and Didactic Abuses - Jane Tolmie
- Patriarchy, Violence and Sacrifice in the Middle English Slaughter of the Innocents Plays - Daniel T. Kline
- Seniority and Mastery: The Politics of Ageism in the Coventry Cycle - Brandon Alakas
- Children, Costume, and Identity in the Chester Midsummer Show - Susannah Crowder
- Exegesis in the City: The Chester Plays and Earlier Chester Writing - Mark Faulkner
- "'In This Storye Consistethe Oure Chefe Faithe': The Problems of Chester's Play(s) of the Passion - David Mills
- Chester's Covenant Theology - David Mills
- Chester's Linguistic Signs - John J. McGavin
- Sign and Transition: The Purification Play in Chester - John J. McGavin
- Kingship in the Chester Nativity Play - Ruth M. Keane
- Speaking of Miracles: Seeing, Believing—and Hearing - Richard Hillman
- Elements of a Persuasion Strategy in the English Cycles and Early Moral Plays - André Lascombes
- 'Vs for to wepe no man may lett': Accommodating Female Grief in Medieval English Lazarus Plays - K. Goodland
- Napping in the Arbour in the Digby Mary Magdalene Play - Joanne Findon
- Play-Area as Mediation in the Digby Mary Magdalene - André Lascombes
- 'Her virgynes, as many as a man wylle': Dance and Provenance in Three Late Medieval Plays
Wisdom/The Killing of the Children/The Conversion of St Paul - John Marshall
- Mary Magdalene on Stage: "The Sinner in the City" and the Persistent Remnant
of Catholic Culture in an Anglican Society - Frédérique Fouassier
- The Use of the Rhetorical Exordium in Middle English Drama - Raymond C. St-Jacques
- "To passe the see in shortt space": Mapping the World in the Digby Mary Magdalen - D. K. Smith
- Preaching Rhetorical Invention: Poeta and Paul in the Digby Conversion of St Paul - Ann Hubert
- Love and Marriage on the Medieval English Stage: Using the English Cycle Plays
as Sources for Social History - James H. Forse
- Presenters in N-Town: 'We asygne it to ȝoure good deliberacion' - C. Steenbrugge
- Re-membering the Jews: Theatrical Violence in the N-Town Marian Plays - Merrall Llewelyn Price
- Anti-Semitism, Surrogacy, and the Invocation of Mohammed in the Play of the Sacrament - M. M. Chemers
- Impersonating Spirits: Ghosts and Souls on the Medieval Stage - Rafael Portillo
- "Now wole I a newe game begynne": Staging Suffering in King Lear,
The Mystery Plays and Grotius's Christus Patiens - Beatrice Groves
- The Sacrifice of Isaac in Medieval English Drama - Clifford Davidson
- "Veniance, Lord, apon thaym fall": Maternal Mourning, Divine Justice,
and Tragedy in the Corpus Christi plays - Katharine Goodland
- Time and the N-Town Cycle: Establishing Man's Relation to God through Time - Monica Majumdar
- The Annunciation as Model of Meditation: Stillness, Speech and Transformation
in Middle English Drama and Lyric - Laura Saetveit Miles
- Irony as Illumination: Didactic Communication in the Verbal Texture of the Mystery Cycles - Linda R. Bates
- The Lost Playing Places of Lincolnshire - James Stokes
- Lessons in "hopping": The Dance of Death and the Chester Mystery Cycle - Sophie Oosterwijk
- Aural Space, Sonorous Presence, and the Performance of Christian Community
in the Chester Shepherds Play - Andrew J. Albin
- Night of the Living Bread: Unstable Signs in Chester's "Antichrist" - Cameron Hunt McNabb
- "But owthir in frith or felde": The Rural in the York Cycle - Chester Scoville
- Laughter in Medieval English Drama: A Critique of Modernizing and Historical Analyses - Hans-Jurgen Diller
- Staging Disorder: Charivari in the N-Town Cycle - Richard I. Moll
- Mary — Fourth Person of the Deity? [N-Town Plays] - Jean-Paul Débax
- Miracles and the Psalter in the N-Town "Marriage of Mary and Joseph" - Frank M. Napolitano
- "Look not big, nor stamp, nor stare": Acting Up in The Taming of the Shrew and
the Coventry Herod Plays - Jonathan Gil Harris
- The Lost Coventry Drapers' Play of Doomsday and Its Iconographic Context - Clifford Davidson
- London and the Problem of the Clerkenwell Plays - Lawrence M. Clopper
- Ad imaginem suam: Regional Chant Variants and the Origins of the Jeu d'Adam - Charles T. Downey
- Medieval Drama: Myths of Evolution, Pageant Wagons, and
(lack of) Entertainment Value - Carolyn Coulson-Grigsby
- Giving Voice to women: Teaching Feminist Approaches to the Mystery Plays - Katie Normington
- Mak's Sothren Tothe: A Philological and Critical Study
of the Dialect Joke in the Second Shepherd's Play - Kathleen Irace
- The Origins of the Medieval Liturgical Drama: A Critical Guide - Jean R. Nichols
- The Origins of the Medieval Liturgical Drama: A Critical Guide, Part II - Jean R. Nichols
- Language and Gesture in the Chester Sacrifice of Isaac - Joseph Candido
- The Didactic Structure of the Chester Sacrifice of Isaac - Phillip McCaffrey
- Woman as Termagant in The Towneley Cycle - Mary P. Freier
- Christ as a Worker in the Towneley Conspiracy - Barbara I. Gusick
- Typology as Contrast in the Middle English Abraham and Isaac Plays - Peter Braeger
- Fulfilling the Law in the Brome Abraham and Isaac - Edgar T. Schell
- Mystery Plays at Norwich: Their Formation and Development - Joanna Dutka
- Devils and Vices in English non-cycle Plays: Sacrament and Social Body - John D. Cox
- "Goon in-to Bernysdale": The Trail of the Paston
Robin Hood Play - John Marshall
- The Banns in Medieval English Drama - Bruce Moore
- Monasteries as Financial Patrons and Promoters of Local Performance
in Late Medieval and Early Tudor England - C. S. Williams
- The Earliest Middle English Interludes - Stephanie Thompson Lundeen
Thomas Hoccleve
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
Thomas Hoccleve as Poet and Clerk - H. K. S. Killick
Maintaining Injustice: Literary Representations of The Legal System C1400 - Kathleen E. Kennedy
Satire of Counsel, Counsel of Satire: Representing Advisory Relations
in Later Medieval Literature - Jonathan M. Newman
The Genre of Logic and Artifice, Dialectic, Rhetoric, and English Dialogues, 1400-1600,
Hoccleve to Spenser - Judith A. Deitch
Thomas Hoccleve and the Poetics of Reading - Elon Lang
Literary Community in the English Poetic Tradition, c.1377-1547 - Elizabeth Evershed
The Mise-en-page of Chaucer, Gower, and Hoccleve Manuscripts - Aditi Nafde
The Subject of Madness: Insanity, Individuals and Society
in Late-Medieval English Literature [Chaucer, Gower, Hoccleve] - Stephen Harper
Madness and Gender in Late-Medieval English Literature [Malory, Gower, Kempe, Hoccleve] - Laura Jose
The Medieval English Begging Poem [Chaucer, Lydgate, Hoccleve] - Dave Henderson
Misreading English Meter: 1400-1514 - Nicholas Myklebust
Attention and Distraction in Middle English Literature - Michael B. Raby
The Wheel of Language: Representing Speech in Middle English Narrative - David K. Coley
Presentation of the Private Self in Hoccleve's My Compleinte and Conpleynte Paramon - L. M. Silverio
- Autobiographical Poetry in the Middle Ages: The Case of Hoccleve - J. A. Burrow
- "Manly Cowardyse": Thomas Hoccleve's Peace Strategy
- Hoccleve's Series and English Verse in Early Fifteenth-Century London - V. Larsen and J. Pendell
- Penitential Discourse in Hoccleve's Series - Robyn A. Bartlett
- "I am al othir to yow than yee weene": Hoccleve, Women, and the Series - Karen A. Winstead
- Chaucer's Wife of Bath, Hoccleve's Arguing Women, and Lydgate's Hertford Wives: Lay Interpretation
and the Figure of the Spinning Woman in Late Medieval England - Heather Hill-Vásquez
- Humour in the Petitionary Poems by Chaucer and Hoccleve - Oya Bayiltmiş Öğütcü
- Poetics of the Self and/as the Other in Hoccleve's La Male Regle - Oya Bayiltmiş Öğütcü
- Communities of Practice: Thomas Hoccleve, London Clerks, and Literary Production - Sebastian Sobecki
- Hoccleve and the Apprehension of Money - Robert Meyer-Lee
- Imagining the Author in Late Medieval England and France: The Transmission and Reception
of Christine de Pizan's Epistre au dieu d'Amours and Thomas Hoccleve's Letter of Cupid - Rory G. Critten
- "O, why ne had y lerned for to die?": Lerne for to Dye and
the Author's Death in Thomas Hoccleve's Series - Christina von Nolcken
- "And to that ende, here is rememberance": Registers of Petition in Thomas Hoccleve's
Devotional and Begging Poetry - Laurie Atkinson
- 'Why þat yee meeued been / can I nat knowe': Autobiography, Convention, and Discerning
Doublenesse in Thomas Hoccleve's The Series - Laurie Atkinson
- Hoccleve's Poems for Henry V: Anti-Occasional Verse and
Ecclesiastical Reform - Jenni Nuttall
- Hoccleve, Lydgate, and the Lenvoy - Jenni Nuttall
- 'Heer Y die in thy presence': The Rewriting of Martyrs in and after Hoccleve - Nicholas Perkins
- 'In
bookes thus writen I fynde': Hoccleve's Self-Glossing
in the Regiment of Princes and the Series - Jane Griffiths
- Thomas Hoccleve's La Male Regle in the Canterbury Cathedral Archives - David Watt
- Hoccleve's Poetics of Matter - Taylor Cowdery
- Hoccleve's Formulary and the Matter of Everyday Life - Taylor Cowdery
- "I this book shal make": Thomas Hoccleve's Self-Publication and Book Production - David Watt
- Social Corrections: Hoccleve's La Male Regle and Textual Identity - Craig E. Bertolet
- Affective Prosopagnosia and Hoccleve's Complaint - Ronald Pies
- The Manuscript as an Ambigraphic Medium: Hoccleve's Scribes, Illuminators, and Their Problems - S. Drimmer
- Thomas Hoccleve's Letter of Cupid and 'Martir Margarete' - S. Downes
- 'Your Ensaumple and Your Mirour': Hoccleve's Amplification of the Imagery and Intimacy
of Henry Suso's Ars Moriendi - Steven Rozenski Jr.
- Psychosomatic Illness and Identity in London, 1416—1421: Hoccleve's Complaint and
Dialogue with a Friend - Matthew Boyd Goldie
- Normalisation of Accidentals in Middle English Texts: The Paradox of Thomas Hoccleve - D. C. Greetham
- Hoccleve, Gender, and "Leaning In" to Critical Misgivings about "My Compleinte" - Holly A. Crocker
- Blog Entry: Hoccleve, the Series, and Sad-Bastard Masculinity - Holly A. Crocker
- Tales of Jereslaus's wife & Jonathas in Hoccleve's subversive Series - Douglas Galbi
- The Sea Ground and the London Street: The Ascetic Self
in Julian of Norwich and Thomas Hoccleve - Amy Appleford
- Good Grief: Notes on (Re)animating Thomas Hoccleve in Comics - Rebecca B. Clark
- Time Referents in Hoccleve's The Regiment of Princes - Karen Smyth
- Hoccleve et Lydgate étaient-ils "antiféministes"? - Aude Mairey
- Thomas Hoccleve ou l'ambiguïté de l'autorité poétique - Aude Mairey
Originality and Authority in the Works of Chaucer and Hoccleve - Bethany McPeake
Poetic Liminality in the Middle Ages: The Case of Thomas Hoccleve - UMass FLURA Winner 2012
Julian of Norwich
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
'All the helth and life of the sacraments... I it am': Julian of Norwich
and the Sacrament of Penance - Emma Louise Pennington
'Wilful Longing to God': A Lacanian Reading of Julian of Norwich's Texts - Wendy Gore
God's Teachers: Women Writers, Didacticism, and Vernacular Religious Texts
in the Later Middle Ages - Elizabeth Farrell Zimmerman
A God With Many Names: An Exploration of the Naming of God in Showings
by Julian of Norwich - Elaine M. Biollo
"I Desyred to Haue All Maner of Paynes": A Study of the Function of Pain in the Showings
of Julian of Norwich - Kate P. C. Galea
"There is a Threeness About You": Trinitarian Images of God, Self, and Community
Among Medieval Women Visionaries - Donna E. Ray
Speaking From The Threshold: Liminal And Literary Subjectivity in Late Medieval
Mystical Narratives - Corey Wronski-Mayersak
God's Teachers: Women Writers, Didacticism, and Vernacular Religious Texts
in the Later Middle Ages - Elizabeth Farrell Zimmerman
Julian of Norwich: A Phenomenology of Health and Home - Hannah Lucas
The Theology and Mystagogy of Julian of Norwich's Showing of Love - P. H. H. M. Galama
Visionary Didacticism in Julian of Norwich's Showings - Kevin James Magill
Julian of Norwich: A Theological Reappraisal - Brant Pelphrey
The "Revelations of Divine Love" of Julian of Norwich: Symbolism, Structure
and the Medieval Mystical Vision - Alan Oldfield
Necessary Fictions: Reading and Visionary Literature in Pearl, Piers Plowman,
A Revelation of Divine Love, and The Book of Margery Kempe - Hannah Marie Byland
Julian, God, and the Art of Storytelling: A Narrative Analysis
of the Works of Julian of Norwich - Godelinde Gertrude Perk
Attention and Distraction in Middle English Literature - Michael B. Raby
Julian of Norwich: Voicing the Vernacular - Therese Elaine Novotny
The Censored Pulpit: Julian of Norwich as Preacher - Donyelle C. McCray
'All the helth and life of the sacraments.... I it am": Julian of Norwich
and the Sacrament of Penance - Emma Louise Pennington
Revelations of Divine Love: A Study of the Work of Julian of Norwich - Susan Mary Woolcock Simpson
Julian of Norwich's Concept of the Human Soul - Luke W. Mills
"All This Was Shewede by Thre Partes": Julian, Jesus, and Mary in Julian of Norwich's
A Book of Showings - Holly E. Wilson
The Doctrine of the Imago Dei in the Soteriology of Julian of Norwich - Ryan K. Wiens
The Soteriology of Julian of Norwich and Vatican II: A Comparative Study - Josephine M. Pace
The Paradox of Remarkable/Unremarkable Julian of Norwich - John Patrick Fitzgibbons
Julian of Norwich, Margery Kempe, and The Tradition of Affective Piety - James E. Noble
The Binary Construct of Motherhood in Julian of Norwich's Revelations and Margery Kempe - E. Melattukunnel
The Performative Body of Christ in Julian of Norwich's A Vision - Agnese Aghito
The Mimetic Quality of the Rhetorical Figures in Julian of Norwich's Showings - Cynthea M. Masson
"Reformyng" and "Restoryng": Vision and Revision in The Showings of Julian of Norwich - Jessica N. Hines
- Book: Julian, God and the Art of Storytelling - Godelinde Gertrude Perk
- Middle English Mystics - Nicholas Watson
- The Composition of Julian of Norwich's Revelation of Love - Nicholas Watson
- Julian of Norwich and the Varieties of Middle English Mystical Discourse - Denise N. Baker
- The Structure of the Soul and the 'Godly Wylle' in Julian of Norwich's Showings - Denise N. Baker
- Redemption and Sin in Julian of Norwich's Revelations: Tension and Unity - Michael Dennis
- "Sin is Behovely" in Julian of Norwich's "Revelations of Divine Love" - Denys Turner
- Medieval Corporeality and the Eucharistic Body in Julian of Norwich's A Revelation of Love - Arabella Milbank
- Eros as Cosmic Sorrow: Locating the Limits of Difference in Julian of Norwich's Revelation of Love
and The Cloud of Unknowing - Nicola Masciandaro
- Returning The English "Mystics" To Their Medieval Milieu: Julian of Norwich,
Margery Kempe and Bridget of Sweden - Liam Peter Temple
- "I desyrede a bodylye syght": Julian of Norwich and the Body - Maria R. Lichtmann
- On Reading Julian of Norwich - Luke William Mills
- What Julian Saw: The Embodied Showings and the Items for Private Devotion - Juliana Dresvina
- A Body of Authority: Reorienting Gender and Power in Julian of Norwich's Revelations - Phillip Goodwin
- Revelation as Exposure in Julian of Norwich's Showings - Julia A. Lamm
- Feminist Approaches to Middle English Religious Writing: The Cases of Margery Kempe
and Julian of Norwich - Nancy Bradley Warren
- "All Will Be Well": Julian of Norwich's Counter-Apocalyptic Revelations - Christopher Denny
- Julian of Norwich and the Muttering Fiend - Adam Spellmire
- Julian of Norwich: Containment and Mediation of the Body of Christ - Peter M. Farrugia
- Revelations of Divine Love: The Motherhood of Christ and the Imago Dei - Joelle E. Lucas
- Mary as Mother, Jesus as Mother: Affective Spirituality in Julian of Norwich's Revelations
and Geoffrey Chaucer's Prioress' Tale - Elizabeth Preysner
- On Sin, Antinomies, and Transformation of Images in Julian of Norwich - Jana Trajtelová
- Theodicy and Soteriology in the Writings of Julian of Norwich - Rev Nicholas Tuohy
- The "Comene Course of Prayers": Julian of Norwich and Late Medieval Death Culture - Amy Appleford
- Wounds as Sacred Gates, The Soul as a City: The Poetics of Julian of Norwich - Louise Øhrstrøm Poulsen
- "Precious Food Of True Life": Christ Our Mother, Female Embodiment, and the Eucharist
in Julian of Norwich's Revelations of Divine Love - Eliza Stiles
- "Pray Interly": Julian of Norwich's Spirituality of Prayer - Daniel DeForest London
- Julian of Norwich's Theology of Pleasure - Thomas J. Millay
- The Sea Ground and the London Street: The Ascetic Self
in Julian of Norwich and Thomas Hoccleve - Amy Appleford
- Seek, Suffer, and Trust: Ese and Disese in Julian of Norwich - Vincent Gillespie
- Passion and Melancholy: Julian of Norwich's Medical Hermeneutic - Hannah Lucas
- Fraught Boundaries: Julian of Norwich and the Shrine Madonna - Frederick Morgan
- Julian of Norwich: A Female Translator of the Divine - Agnieszka Gicala
- Reassessing Gender in the Course of Julian's Short Text - Rebecca June
- 'No such sitting': Julian Tropes the Trinity - Alexandra Barratt
- The Anchoress and the Self-Proclaimed Prophet: Medieval Female Writers
in Ecclesiastical Society - Jenna Tynan
- Julian's Audacious Reticence: Perichoresis and the Showings - Daniel Pinti
- Sin will be no shame: Julian of Norwich's Theology of Sin - Michael Gore
- Will everything really be OK?: The Spirituality of Julian of Norwich - F. C. Bauerschmidt
- Dorothy Day and Julian of Norwich: God's Friends and Neighbors - Michael J. Callaghan
- Julian of Norwich: The Spirituality of Abundance - Mercedes Rojo
- Theological Breadth, Interconnection, Tradition, and Gender:
Hildegard, Hadewijch, and Julian Today - F. Gerald Downing
- Julian of Norwich: Essentialist and Feminist? - Dr. Thomas L. Long
- Julian of Norwich's "Christ as Mother" and Medieval Constructions of Gender - Dr. Thomas L. Long
- Julian of Norwich's Mystic Vision as a Site for Rebuilding Societal Unity
in the Aftermath of the Black Death - J. D. Fulloon
- The Soul a City - Margery and Julian - Julia Bolton Holloway
- Julian and The Cloud of Unknowing - Julia Bolton Holloway
- Two essays on Julian of Norwich - Sister Anna Maria Reynolds, C.P.
- Julian of Norwich and the Enigma of Divine Revelation - John Noffsinger
- Disrupting the subject: Julian of Norwich and Embodied Knowing - Petra Munro Hendry
- (Re)constructing the Medieval Recluse: Performative Acts of Virginity
and the writings of Julian of Norwich - Sandy J. Hubnik
- Orthodox Editing: Medieval Versions of Julian of Norwich's Revelations
of Divine Love and The Book of Margery Kempe - Marta Cobb
- 'The fend set him in my throte': Sexuality
and the Fiendish Encounter
in Julian of Norwich's Revelations of Divine Love - Liz Herbert McAvoy
- Sealed In, Yet Soaring: Anchoresses in the Middle Ages - Christina Stern
Church Mothers, Despite the Church: Julian of Norwich, Margery Kempe, and Female
Middle English Theology - Elisabeth Grunert
Sin and Sight in the Theologies of Julian of Norwich and Teresa of Avila - Jordan Denari Duffner
Julian of Norwich - A Woman Ahead of Her Time - Daniell Upton
Close reading of a passage on hazelnuts - John Larson
Margery Kempe
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
Writers in Religious Orders and Their Lay Patrons in Late Medieval England - C. E. Manion
Lewd Imaginings: Pedagogy, Piety, and Peformance in Late Medieval East Anglia - John T. Sebastian
Producing the Middle English Corpus: Confession and Medieval Bodies - Cathryn M. Meyer
Painful Transformations: A Medical Approach to Experience, Life Cycle and Text
in British Library, Additional MS 61823, 'The Book of Margery Kempe' - Laura Elizabeth Williams
Necessary Fictions: Reading and Visionary Literature in Pearl, Piers Plowman,
A Revelation of Divine Love, and The Book of Margery Kempe - Hannah Marie Byland
Objects and Anxiety in Late Medieval English Writing - Gabrielle Parkin
Madness and Gender in Late-Medieval English Literature [Malory, Gower, Kempe, Hoccleve] - Laura Jose
God's Words, Women's Voices: Discretio spirituum in the Writing
of Late-Medieval Women Visionaries - Rosalynn Voaden
Medieval Autobiographical Writing in The Book of Margery Kempe - Li Ling Ong
"I am in the, and thow are in me": Finding Feminine Spirituality
in The Book of Margery Kempe - Danielle J. Robitaille
"Woman, why weepest thou?": The Influence of Mary Magdalene
on The Book of Margery Kempe - Karen E. Berrigan
An Outside for the Inside: A Psychoanalytic Reading of The Book of Margery Kempe - Julia Steele
No Ordinary Pilgrim: Margery Kempe and Her Quest For Validation, Authority,
and Unique Identity - Alice A. Barfoot
'For I am as an hyd God in thi sowle': machinae mentis, Cognition and the Virtual Plane
in The Book of Margery Kempe - Megan Jones
Julian of Norwich, Margery Kempe, and The Tradition of Affective Piety - James E. Noble
The Hidden Journey of Margery Kempe - Amy B. Gracey
- Middle English Mystics - Nicholas Watson
- The Making of The Book of Margery Kempe - Nicholas Watson
- Orthodoxy, Textuality, and the "Tretys" of Margery Kempe - Elizabeth Schirmer
- Familial Imagery in the Visions of Margery Kempe - Susan Schoon Eberly
- "Fals Flesch": Food and the Embodied Piety of Margery Kempe - Melissa Raine
- 'Ye wote ful lityl what sche felyth': The Crisis of Interpretation in the Book of Margery Kempe - Wendy Harding
- Margery's Men: Gender and Representation in The Book of Margery Kempe - Claire Miller Skriletz
- Troubles of a Spiritual Career: The Book of Margery Kempe - Kübra Vural Özbey
- The Conflict Between Confession and Gossip in The Book of Margery Kempe - María Beatriz Hernández Pérez
- "[S]che was evry aferd": Pilgrimage and Medieval Women in the Book of Margery Kempe - Huriye Reis
- "Opene þerfore þe Iȝe of þin Intellecte": Margery Kempe and The Orcherd of Syon - James Ryan Gregory
- The Book of Margery Kempe and the Pre-Tridentine Documentation of Sanctity - Thomas Lawrence Long
- Feminist Approaches to Middle English Religious Writing: The Cases of Margery Kempe
and Julian of Norwich - Nancy Bradley Warren
- Returning The English "Mystics" To Their Medieval Milieu: Julian of Norwich,
Margery Kempe and Bridget of Sweden - Liam Peter Temple
- The Book of Margery Kempe
and the Rhetorical Chorus: An Alternative Method
for Recovering Women's Contributions to the History of Rhetoric - Julia Marie Smith
- Queer Touch Between Holy Women: Julian of Norwich, Margery Kempe, Birgitta of Sweden,
and the Visitation - Laura Saetveit Miles
- Not Tonight Dear, I Have a Vow of Chastity: Sexual Abstinence and Marital Vocation
in the Book of Margery Kempe - Alison Gulley
- Handling
the Book of Margery Kempe: The Corrective Touches of the Red Ink Annotator - Katie Bugyis
- "I wolde I wer as worthy
to ben sekyr of thy lofe as Mary Mawdelyn was:" The Magdalene
as an Authorizing Tool in the Book of Margery Kempe - Juliette Vuille
- "Sche knelyd upon hir kneys, hir boke in
hir hand": Manuscript Travel, Devotional Pedagogy,
and the Textual Communities of The Book of Margery Kempe - Sara Gorman
- Slanderers and Saints: The Function of Slander in The Book of Margery Kempe - Olga Burakov Mongan
- Marian Virtues and Margery Kempe:
The Influence of Carmelite Devotion to the Virgin - N. K. Yoshikawa
- 'Meditacyon' or 'Contemplacyon"? Margery Kempe's Spiritual Experience and Terminology - Naoë Kukita Yoshikawa
- The Rehabilitation of Margery Kempe - Stanley S. Hussey
- Margery Kempe's Sharp Confessor/s - Janette Dillon
- The Making of Desire in The Book of Margery Kempe - Janette Dillon
- Margery Kempe: Madwoman or Mystic - Alison Torn
- The Enigmatic, Threatening Margery Kempe - Elona K. Lucas
- "The writyng of this tretys": Margery Kempe's Son and the Authorship of Her Book - Sebastian Sobecki
- The Scribes and Authors of The Book of Margery Kempe - Sebastian Sobecki
- A New Document on Margery Kempe: Gdansk, Lynn, and the Summer of 1431 - Sebastian Sobecki
- The Alleged Illiteracy of Margery Kempe - Josephine K. Travers
- The
Crucifix, The Pietà, and the Female Mystic: Devotional Objects
Performative Identity in The Book of Margery Kempe - Laura Varnam
- The Anchoress and the Self-Proclaimed Prophet: Medieval Female Writers in Ecclesiastical Society - J. Tynan
- The Book of Margery Kempe: Religious Discourse and the Carnivalesque Woman - Kathryn Summers
- "Thei stodyn upon stoyls for to beheldyn hir": Margery Kempe and the Power of Performance - S. Christie
- Mapping the Problems of Sexual Desire in The Book of Margery Kempe - Liliana Sikorska
- Breaking the Stained Glass Ceiling: Mercantile Authority, Margaret Paston, and M. Kempe - B. W. Gastle
- Illuminating the Soul: Religious Enclosure and the Validation of Mystical Experience
in The Life of Christina of Markyate and The Book of Margery Kempe - Ruth R. Roberts
- Margery Kempe: Spectacle and Spiritual Governance - Joel Fredell
- Cobham's Daughter: The Book of Margery Kempe and the Power of Heterodox Thinking - Ruth Shklar
- Margery Kempe's Mysticism Explored - Elizabeth Brenneman
- The Book of Margery Kempe and the Pre-Tridentine Documentation of Sanctity - Thomas L. Long
- Sacred Art and the Artful Conversion of Margery Kempe - Roy Eriksen
- The Laws of Community, Margery Kempe, and the "Canon's Yeoman's Tale" - James H. Landman
- Mystic Self: Margery Kempe and the Mirror of Narrative - Julian Yates
- Orthodox Editing: Medieval Versions of Julian of Norwich's Revelations
of Divine Love and The Book of Margery Kempe - Marta Cobb
- She Represents the Person of Our Lord: The Performance of Mysticism in the Vita of Elisabeth of Spalbeek
and The Book of Margery Kempe - Elliott Visconsi
- The Soul a City - Margery and Julian - Julia Bolton Holloway
Continental Influences on Margery Kempe - Allison J. Elledge
Margery Kempe: Prodigious Writer or Catholic Mystic - Priscila Bordon
The Book of Margery Kempe a Love Story: Pagan Ideals and Christian Practices, a Comparison
of the Romance of Tristan and Margery Kempe - Uliana Brun
Church Mothers, Despite the Church: Julian of Norwich, Margery Kempe, and Female
Middle English Theology - Elisabeth Grunert
Margery Kempe: A Medieval Eccentric - Isabelle de Foix
The Life and Pilgrimages of Margery Kempe - Victoria Miller
Margery's Life Encapsulated Within Historical Context - Leann Magners
Margery Kempe: Sensuous Religiosity - Sarah Parker
Sir Thomas Malory: Morte D'Arthur
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
The Moral Code of Chivalry as Reflected in Malory's Morte Darthur (1916) - Olive Bacon Gilchrist
"No gretter perile": Over-mighty Subjects and Fifteenth-Century Politics in Malory's Morte Darthur - M. Baker
A Rebel and a Witch: The Historical Context and Ideological Function of Morgan Le Fay
in Malory's Le Morte Darthur - MaryLynn Saul
The Quest for the Holy: The Religious Perspective of Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte
Darthur - Paul Moffett
'Wichecraft & Vilaine': Morgan le Fay in Medieval Arthurian Literature - Zoë Eve Enstone
Female Discourses: Powerful and Powerless Speech in Le Morte Darthur - Yekaterina Zimmerman
The Flawed Ideal: Justice and Injustice in Malory's Morte Darthur - Laura Kay Bedwell
Qui plus fait, miex vault: Evaluating Combat in Malory's Le Morte Darthur - James M. Osborne
The Relation of Spenser's Faerie Queene to Malory's Morte Darthur - Paul R. Rovang
The Character of Gawain in Malory - Clare R. Smith
The Death of King Arthur and the Legend of his Survival in Sir Thomas Malory's 'Le Morte Darthur'
and Other Late Medieval Texts - John Kenneth Brookes Withrington
Malory's Morte Darthur and the Idea of Treason - Mischa Jane Rose
The Significance of "Blood": Noble Descent and Kinship in Morte Darthur - Paul V. Roberge
Idealized World of Malory's "Morte Darthur" - Muriel A. I. Whitaker
Madness and Gender in Late-Medieval English Literature [Malory, Gower, Kempe, Hoccleve] - Laura Jose
Chivalric Lieux De Memoire: Nostalgia, Communal Memory, and the Burden
of Historical Consciousness in Malory's Morte Darthur - Wilkie Collins
Malory's Tale of the Sangreal and the
Justification of Violence - Diane C. Jefferies
Malory's Morte Darthur and the Idea of Treason - Mischa Jayne Rose
(N)Onomastics and Malory: Anonymity and Female Characters in Malory's Le Morte D'Arthur - Jennifer Justice
Adultery in Malory's Le Morte Darthur: A Model of Loyalty and Fidelity - Nicolas A. Thibaut
Feminine Desire and Power in the Arthurian Tradition - Erin Dee Moore
Power, Courtly Love, and a Lack of Heirs: Guinevere and Medieval Queens - Jessica Grady
The Character of Gawain in Middle English Literature - Cory J. Rushton
The Innovative and Unifying Vision of Sir Thomas Malory in The Tale of the Sankgreal - G. W. Cragg
The Influence of Malory on the Later English Poets - Carrie A. Shannon
The Struggle for Perfection: Lancelot, Malory's Noble Sinner - Lynne K. McAlpine
The Use of Trial by Battle in the Work of Sir Thomas Malory - Nadine R. Eynon
Malory's Maladies: Determining Intention and Influence through
Editorial Theory
in Le Morte Darthur - Lisa A. Stuchell
Social Prestige, Probity and Self-Determination of Nymue's Character in Malory's "Le Morte Darthur" - Eva Baghin
Tristram as Hero in Malory's Morte Darthur - Carol Ann Everest
The Beasts Beneath the Round Table: The Role of Animals in Malory's Morte D'Arthur - Melvin Harold Dagg
Sin and Repentance of Malory's Knights: Lancelot and Gawain - Chunling Wang
Malory's Mordred as Hero - Ted P. Reed
Reading the English Epic: Changing Noetics from Beowulf to the Morte d'Arthur - Maria L. C. Prozesky
Medieval Individuals and Hermetic Communities in Le Morte Darthur: What Reading Malory
Suggests About Greimas's Semiotic Square - Adrienne DePrisco
The Lady of the Lake and Chivalry in the Lancelot-Grail Cycle and Malory's Morte Darthur - A. M. Ewoldt
Courtly Love Tradition in Malory's Le Morte Darthur, Reconsidered - Meriç Tutku Özmen
Structure and Meaning of the Quest in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and
Malory's "Tale of Gareth" - Peggy McDaniel
Unveiling Her Majesty's Purposes: Malory's Guinevere as Structural Center - Justine C. Mikaloff
Echoes of Legend: Magic as the Bridge Between a Pagan Past and a Christian Future
in Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte Darthur - Josh Mangle
King Arthur as Transcendent Rhetoric of Anxiety: Examining Arthurian Legends
as Sociopolitical Paratexts - Alexis Faith Ancona
Corporate Chivalry in Malory's "Morte d'Arthur" - Timothy C. Truxell
Religious Ambivalence in Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte Darthur - Stephen Joseph MacNeil
Kingship and Warfare in Malory's Morte Darthur - Madeleine S. Killacky
Malory's Treatment of the Holy Grail in Morte Darthur - Nairn Galvin
An Almost Threesome: Erotic Love Triangles and Authorial Choice in Malory's Le Morte D'Arthur - M. L. Avery
'Most perfitist man': The Role of Bors in Malory's Morte Darthur - Laura O'Donnell
Chaucer and Malory's Treatment of Outlawry - Carolyn S. Gonzalez
Utopic Elements of Femininity in Malory's Le Morte Darthur
and Marion Zimmer Bradley's
The Mists of Avalon - Julie Vovan
Fifteenth Century King Arthur: The Significance of Sir Thomas Malory's Rendition
of the Life of King Arthur - Megan MacDonald
Real People Tell the Whole Story: Dialogue and Characterization in Malory's Morte Darthur - Anne Woehrle
Conversion of the Heart through Catholicism
in Le Morte D'Arthur - Casey Hulshof
- Book: Le Morte Darthur of Thomas Malory & Its Sources, 1921 - Vida D. Scudder
- Book: Gender and the Chivalric Community in Malory's Morte d'Arthur, 2003 - Dorsey Armstrong
- King Arthur and the Seductions of Chivalry - Bonnie Wheeler
- "As the French Book Seyeth": Malory's Morte Darthur and Acts of Reading - Bonnie Wheeler
- Malory's Le Morte Darthur and History - Andrew Lynch
- Malory moralisé: The Disarming of Le Morte Darthur, 1800-1918 - Andrew Lynch
- A Tale of "Simple" Malory and the Critics - Andrew Lynch
- Kingship in Malory's Morte Darthur - Ruth Lexton
- Le Morte Darthur and the Extratextual Significance of Prophecy Across the Centuries - Stephanie V. Violette
- Love, Freedom, and Marital Fidelity in Malory's Morte Darthur - Beverly Kennedy
- Sibling Relations in Malory's Morte Darthur - Carolyne Larrington
- Writing the "Hoole Book" of King Arthur: The Inscription of the Textual Subject
in Malory's Morte Darthur - Marco Nievergelt
- Feasts and Festivals in Thomas Malory's Morte Darthur - Claire Vial
- Malory's Arthur and the Politics of Chivalry - Lisa Robeson
- The Voice of Aurality in the "Morte Darthur" - Michael W. Twomey
- Prose, but Not Prosaic: Narration in the Prose of Malory and of The Paston Letters - D. T. Hanks, Jr.
- Knighthood Through the Discourse Functions of Negation in Le Morte DArthur - Anastasia Sharapkova
- The Naked Truth, or Why in Le Morte Darthur La Beale Isode May Be Naked
but Queen Gwenyvere May Not - Anat Koplowitz-Breier
- '...the quene in Amysbery, a nunne in whyght clothys and blak...': Guinevere's Asceticism and Penance
in Malory's Le Morte D'Arthur - Virginia Blanton
- "Full knyghtly he ete his mete": Consumption and Social Prowess in Malory's Tale of Gareth - Melissa Raine
- Malory's Use of 'Counsel' and 'Advyce' in Creating a King - Meredith Reynolds
- Prophecy, Dragons and Meaning in Malory - Lesley Kordecki
- Sibling Relations in Malory's Morte Darthur - Carolyne Larrington
- Iudicium Dei, iudicium fortunae: Trial by Battle in Malory's Le Morte Darthur - Jacqueline Stuhmiller
- The Character Model in Le Morte Darthur - Anat Koplowitz-Breier
- 'Now I take uppon me the adventures to seke of holy thynges': Lancelot
and the Crisis of Arthurian Knighthood - Raluca L. Radulescu
- The Law of the Lake: Malory's Sovereign Lady - Amy S. Kaufman
- The Codification of Heraldry in Malory's Le Morte Darthur - Sarah Brazil
- 'Flashing into the Crystal Mirror': The Recurrence of the Mirror Motif
in Three Arthurian Works - Carmen Lara Rallo
- Malory's Two Texts of Le Morte Darthur: A Support to Hellinga's Direct Lineage Theory - Masako Takagi
- Promises Kept and Broken — The Power of a Spoken Word
in the Chivalric World of Le Morte D'Arthur - Joanna Bukowska
- Teaching Malory's Morte Darthur with chronicles - Alexander L. Kaufman
- Malory's Weeping Castle - Charles Ross
- Religion and the Supranatural in Malory's Morte Darthur - John J. Fritscher
- Sex and Magic in King Arthur's Camelot - John J. Fritscher
- Unity, Genre, and Subverting the Absolute Past: The Case of Malory's "Tournament at Surluse" - S. Hordis
- The Gods as King Arthur's Knights - Charles Squire
- Malory's Death Poem - Thomas Crofts
- Somatic Figurations of the Saracen in Malory's Le Morte Darthur - Wajih Ayed
- Black in Camelot: Race & Ethnicity in Arthurian Legend - Kris Swank
- The Reversal of Courtly Love Tradition in Le Morte Darthur: The Case of Tristan and Isolde - Meriç Tutku Özmen
- The Definition of Virtuous Love in Le Morte D'arthur - Raachel Jurovics
- Evidence against Lancelot and Guinevere in Malory's Morte Darthur: Treason by Imagination - E. Kay Harris
- The Hermit in Lore: Malory's Morte D'Arthur - Robert Rodriguez
Her Secret Identity: Female Fair Unknowns in Malory's Le Morte Darthur - Amalia Slobogian
The Politics of Violence in Malory - Christian Cotroneo
Becoming Redeemed: Lancelot's Journey of Faith in Le Morte Darthur - Sydney Bollinger
Narratives and the Ethics of Sexual Behavior in Le Morte d'Arthur - Sara E. Gorman
Reading "Firste Unto God": Malory's Hermeneutic of Virtuous Love in
Le Morte Darthur - Justin Burnett
The Depiction of Lancelot in Chrétien de Troyes and Malory - Rachel Delman
The Trope of Violent Grace: Seeking Spiritual Identity in Morte Darthur - Sarah Bryant
King Arthur's Death in Legend, History and Literature - Adam Levin
Chicks with Swords: Power and Agency in the Morte Darthur - Amy McLay
John Lydgate
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
Rhetoric, Truth, and Lydgate's Troy Book - Bernadette C. Vankeerbergen
Writers in Religious Orders and Their Lay Patrons in Late Medieval England - C. E. Manion
John Lydgate: Monk-Poet of Bury St. Edmunds Abbey - Timothy Russell Jordan
Reframing the Metamorphoses: The Enabling of Political Allegory in Late Medieval
Ovidian Narrative [Chaucer, Gower, Lydgate] - Amanda J. Gerber
The Ecology of War in Late Medieval Chivalric Culture [Siege of Thebes, Knight's Tale, &c.] - Jeremy Withers
Literary Community in the English Poetic Tradition, c.1377-1547 - Elizabeth Evershed
Misreading English Meter: 1400-1514 - Nicholas Myklebust
The Medieval English Begging Poem [Chaucer, Lydgate, Hoccleve] - Dave Henderson
Law, Gender, and Judgment in Middle English Debate Poetry - Wendy A. Matlock
Reading Lydgate's Troy Book: Patronage, Politics, and History in Lancastrian England - Diana Fawsitt
The Political Appropriation of Lydgate's Fall of Princes:
A Manuscript Study of British Library, MS Harley 1766 - Sarah Pittaway
John Lydgate and his Readers - Alaina Bupp
The Illustrations of Lydgate's Troy Book: The Visual Revitalization
of a Literary Tradition in Fifteenth-Century England - Tammy Y. Whitehead
Lydgate's Life of Our Lady: Form and Transmission - Mary Wellesley
Lydgate's Mesure: The Echecs Amoureux Tradition and The Fall of Princes - Christina Di Gangi
Middle English Animal Fable: A Study in Genre - Rose-Marie Silkens
'Thyng that was maad of auctours hem beforn': Lydgate's Fall of Princes,
its Literary Antecedents and Successors - Julie Marie Lanz
The Imprisonment of Knowledge and Creation of Heresy through Monastic Libraries and the Papal
Authorities as Manifested in the Writings of Umberto Eco and John Lydgate - Albert Alexander Bereznay II
- The Marginalization of Lydgate - W. T. Rossiter
- Gray's "Some Remarks on the Poems of John Lydgate" - Thomas Gray Archives
- Historical Enquiry and Changing Models of Authorship: Lydgate - Derek Pearsall
- "Purtreture" and "Holsom Stories": John Lydgate's Accommodation of Image and Text
in Three Religious Lyrics - Christine Cornell
- Static "Menyng" and Transitory "Melodye" in Lydgate's Seying of the Nightingale - Mary Wellesley
- John Gower and John Lydgate: Forms and Norms of Rhetorical Culture - J. Allan Mitchell
- Lydgate's Literary History: Chaucer, Gower, and Canacee - Maura Nolan
- John Lydgate and the Origins of Vernacular Humanism - Andrew Galloway
- Hoccleve, Lydgate, and the Lenvoy - Jenni Nuttall
- Epic or Romance: Authorial Concept of Genre in Middle English Visions of Troy - Wladyslaw Witalisz
- Mischief in Masculinity: Gender in John Lydgate's Troy Book - Lindsey Simon-Jones
- Queen Katherine and the Secret of Lydgate's Temple of Glas - J. Allan Mitchell
- The Fall of Princes: The Classical and Medieval Roots of English Renaissance Tragedy - Rebecca Bushnell
- "His guttys wer out shake": Illness and Indigence in Lydgate's Letter to Gloucester
and Fabula duorum mercatorum - Lisa H. Cooper
- Lydgate's Mummings and the Aristocratic Resistance to Drama - Robert Epstein
- Text as Performance: Toward a More Authentic Experience of the Lydgate Canon - Anita Helmbold
- Lydgate and the Roman Antique - Paul M. Clogan
- The Boston Public Library Manuscript of John Lydgate's Siege of Thebes:
Its Scottish Owners and Inscriptions - Priscilla J. Bawcutt
- Critic and Poet: What Lydgate and Henryson Did to Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde - David C. Benson
- 'A Marriage Litigation in the Church Court': Lydgate's Adaptation
of Chaucer's Literary Value in The Temple of Glass - Juljan Vrekaj
- "The monke of Bury": The Autograph Hand of John Lydgate and a Manuscript
from Bury St Edmunds Abbey - Mark Faulkner & W. H. E. Sweet
- Lydgate and the Surplus of History - Taylor Cowdery
- Chaucer and Literary Historiography in Lydgate's Siege of Thebes - Hisashi Sugito
- 'Disgraces the name and patronage of his master Chaucer':
Echoes and Reflections in Lydgate's Courtly Poetry - William Rossiter
- Father Chaucer and the Siege of Thebes: Literary Paternity, Aggressive Deference,
and the Prologue to Lydgate's Oedipal Canterbury Tale - Daniel T. Kline
- Excusing Lauis: Freud's Oedipus, Sophocles' Oedipus Rex, and Lydgate's Edippus - Daniel T. Kline
- John Gower and John Lydgate: Forms and Norms of Rhetorical Culture - J. Allan Mitchell
- Chaucer's Wife of Bath, Hoccleve's Arguing Women, and Lydgate's Hertford Wives: Lay Interpretation
and the Figure of the Spinning Woman in Late Medieval England - Heather Hill-Vásquez
- The Dance of Death in London: John Carpenter, John Lydgate, and the Daunce of Poulys - Amy Appleford
- Lydgate, Hawes, and the Science of Rhetoric in the Late Middle Ages - R. Copeland
- 'Among psalms to fynde a cleer sentence': John Lydgate, Eleanor Hull,
and the Art of Vernacular Exegesis - Shannon Gayk
- Images of Pity: The Regulatory Aesthetics of Lydgate's Religious Poetry - Shannon Gayk
- Lydgate's Kneeling Retraction: 'The Testament' as a Literary Palinode - Sebastian Sobecki
- "Lettre, sillabe, nor Word": Lydgate's Testament and the Chaucerian Condition - Sebastian Sobecki
- 'Wher ioye is ay lastyng": Lydgate's Contemptus Mundi in British Library MS Harley 2255 - J. L. Grossi, Jr.
- John Lydgate and William Caxton - Norman F. Blake
- Lydgate, Lovelich, and London Letters - Michelle R. Warren
- The Fall of Princes and Lydgate's Knowledge of The Book of the Duchess - Ben Parsons
- Hoccleve et Lydgate: étaient-ils "antiféministes"? - Aude Mairey
- Performing Lydgate's Broken-backed Meter - Maura Nolan
- Lydgate's Worst Poem - Maura Nolan
- The Reformation
of the Relic: Lydgate's and Milton's Legend of St. Edmund - Katarzyna Rutkowski
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Created on April 29, 1996 by Anniina Jokinen. Last updated on January 25, 2023.
Middle English Literature
Geoffrey Chaucer
John Gower
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
William Langland / Piers Plowman
Julian of Norwich
Margery Kempe
Thomas Malory / Morte D'Arthur
John Lydgate
Thomas Hoccleve
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Edward III
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John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster
Edmund of Langley, Duke of York
Thomas of Woodstock, Gloucester
Richard of York, E. of Cambridge
Richard II
Henry IV
Edward, Duke of York
Henry V
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John, Duke of Bedford
Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester
Catherine of Valois
Charles VII, King of France
Joan of Arc
Louis XI, King of France
Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy
The Wars of the Roses (1455-1485)
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Margaret of Anjou
Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York
Edward IV
Elizabeth Woodville
Edward V
Richard III
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